Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Business Trip to San Diego

What can I say, but wow! San Diego is really beautiful. There are so many pretty beaches to visit and the houses are beautiful as well. It just amazes me how people can go into this frigid water in April! It must be like 15 degrees! Brrr cold! I went in the water once and my ankles were starting to get numb! I think I will have to bring my wet suit next time!

You can see there are a lot of beaches here from Solana, to Del Mar, to La Jolla Shores, La Jolla Cove, and then there is Mission Beach. I thought Mission Beach was quite nice. I also heard that Ocean Beach is nice too. I only spent a little time there, but did not get a chance to look around.

The city of San Diego is nice too, but I didn't really spend much time there. I don't really know anyone there, so I didn't know where to go. From what I hear, the Gas Lamp district is the place to be.

Enjoy the pics.


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Friday, April 04, 2008

Trip to Puerto Galera, Philippines

Four of us went on a trip to Puerto Galera, Philippines for some diving, partying, and just chilling during the Philippines summer which occurs in April and May. John Jay, David, and myself are pictured, but Dan is missing from the photos (he was probably sleeping). The weather was great while we were there with an average of about 25 - 30 degrees. The water temperature was around 28 degrees as well. It was very comfortable.

I wasn't feeling so motivated this trip, so I only got in 3 dives, so dragging all my equipment around with me was not so much fun. It was only $5 per day to rent, so not much of an advantage to bring equipment unless going to stay there for a long time.

You can see a link to the pictures below.


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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas on Malapascua Island

This Christmas I had some time off and I wanted to spend it on a dive trip. Brook had to work, so I thought this would be a good time to go. To be honest, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone involved in a relationship, which I will explain later.

At one of these social networking events, I met a diving enthusiast who had mentioned he had lived in the Philippines for over 5 years, and had logged over 700 dives. After going out with him a few more times, we both thought it would be a good idea to go on a trip to Philippines during Christmas.

Now I had heard a lot about Puerto Galera, and I would have loved to go there, but this guy had gone there probably 100 times or so, and so he wanted to go somewhere different. He had been to Malapascua Island before, but it had been awhile.

For those of you who aren't diving buffs, or are not familiar with this island, it is THE place to see Pelagic Thresher sharks. These sharks have a long distinctive tail that can be as long as the length of the body. It is thought that these sharks use these long tails to whip and stun their prey.

These sharks live in the deep water down to depths of 500 m below the surface. So unless you are in a submersible submarine and have a sixth sense for spotting one of these babies in the deep blue, you probably aren't going to randomly run into a thresher shark. See some information about these sharks below:


On Malapascua Island, there is a famous dive site, called Monad Shoal, where you can see these sharks as they come up to shallower waters for a cleaning. Monad is the site of an underwater island, at about 18 meters. It is surrounded by deep water, and it is this island at which you can see these magnificent sharks.

The catch is that you have to get up REAL early at 5 am to catch a glimpse of these sharks! This isn't a drift dive or heavy current dive, but more like a "safari". From the boat, you drop down to the bottom of the shoal and wait motionless while you keep an eye out for the threshers to come up for a cleaning. For the three days that I did this, I saw a thresher each time! They commonly swirl around a couple of times looking for wrasse to clean the parasites off their bodies. Occasionally, manta rays will swim around at the same spot as well.

On one dive, I saw a ray gracefully swim by, and then plunge down into the abyss. Both the threshers and the rays were a spectacular site not to miss!

See the link on the website below about a researcher's experience.


Other than seeing the threshers, Malapascua is not much more. There are a few bars and one really good restaurant, but the rest of the place is pretty quiet. The resorts are really nice as well, but not all of them have 24 hour power. They only run on 12 - 16 hours so you can turn on the AC in the room and get a warm shower.

There are no ATMs on the island, and credit cards are not generally accepted -- even at the hotels.

As I said before, I did not go with Brook on this trip because she had to work. I had thought this would not be a big deal as Brook is not a big fan of diving, and had she gone, might have been bored anyway. However, I didn't actually enjoy the trip all that much since she was not with me, and also, because this guy I went diving with turned out to be a cold person and uninterested in talking with me most of the time. He also decided to make all the decisions, and I quickly realized that this guy was not my friend. He only seemed to have half a personality when he had a beer in his hand and was with his girlfriend, who also came with us. Luckily, we stayed in separate rooms.

I began to miss Brook almost right away, especially on the first day, considering we arrived at 2 am on the island and I only got 2 hours of sleep before a full day of diving. I was a mess on that first day. That night I went to bed at 9:30 pm, so the next day at 5 am I was feeling better. On the fourth day, however, I was a little hungover, and then got really sea sick on the boat. I had decided to take a diving day trip, and the 1 and 1/2 hours on the boat felt like a day. I was so happy to get off the boat in the afternoon only to puke my guts out back at the dive shop.

My stomach began to feel better, but I started to get the chills, achy, weak, etc. And this day was Christmas. Some day. I had to clean my equipment and take it back to the resort, which was a good 10 minutes by motorcycle. By the time I got back to the resort, it was already 8 pm and I was ready to pass out. I took a shower, had a little soup, and then got a massage in my room. That night, I didn't go anywhere, but laid in bed with the chills and just slept.

The next day we went back to Taipei, but it wasn't until a week later that I fully recovered from that trip. Oh, and it's already been a week since I talked to that guy. I guess the feeling was mutual. The moral of the story? Don't go on vacation trips with strangers!

Take a look at the photos below.


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ching Jing Farms

Around Thanksgiving, Brook and I decided to take a trip to the middle of Taiwan, in a popular area called Ching Jing Farms. This area is about 2 hours from Brook's hometown, in Nantou County. This area is high in the central mountains of Taiwan. It is located at an elevation of 1750 m above sea level.

In this area, there are several farms that have rolling meadows, beautiful breathtaking views of the central mountain plains and lots and lots of cows and sheep! Not to mention the homestays here are beautiful as well. Many are western style houses that resemble the European Alps.

It's hard to beleive you are in Taiwan at Ching Jing Farms. Hope you enjoy the pictures.


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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Vacation in Boracay

Brook and I went to Boracay, Philippines to get some rest and relaxation. It was a long time since Brook and myself took a vacation together. We spent 8 days on Boracay Island and did some diving, hanging out at the beach, and enjoying the island life.

Every day was Happy Hour and we definitely took advantage of it. Drinks were very good and cheap. You could get a San Miguel beer for around $1 USD. Although it was a little bitter for me, I couldn't resist.

Please click the link below to see some of the pictures from our trip.


Although Borocay is a beautiful place, getting there wasn't very easy. We first flew international to Manila, then took a domestic flight to Caticlan, on the island of Panay, then we had to take a quick ferry to Boracay, take a motorbike to the beach, and then finally, take a tricycle to the resort. Each time, we had to pay someone $2 - 5 USD to move our luggage around.

Don't take much luggage unless you absolutely have to.

The diving was just OK. Not much to see as there is no marine sanctuary nearby. Illegal fishing and the effects of typhoons probably have a negative effect on the coral reefs in the area. Also, boats are not allowed to dock at the beach, so you have to carry your diving equipment to the beach and then swim to the boat about 50 meters away. If you do two dives a day, it's rather tiring and is a lot of work.

The resort we stayed at was Paradise Bay, which was a nice resort, but the manager, had quite a bit of attitude. He made me feel like he was doing a favor for us, and wasn't very accomodating. Due to the resort being on the other side of the island, it was somewhat difficult to get transportation to and from the resort. On our last day, we had to leave at 5:30 am to catch our flight. Although the resort had a shuttle, there was only one person on the staff who could drive it, and it was his day off on that day.

He didn't do much to help us on the next day except to inform his staff to get up at 5:30 and flag down a motorcycle for us to get to the pier. We had to drag our suitcases across a dirt road for 10 minutes to get to the main road. That didn't work very well, and a guy at a different resort was nice enough to drive his motorcycle down the road to flag a motorcycle with carriage to take us to the pier.

Also, I was quite surprised by the number of retired men that were staying at the resort. I was getting quite sick that they were all old and wearing speedo bikini's. Gross.

We definitely won't stay there again.


Monday, February 26, 2007

Diving Trip to Davao, Philippines

During the Chinese New Year for 2007, we decided to go on a diving trip to the Philippines with friends that we met during last Christmas. Paul, Alon, and Doug joined us from Taiwan, and then we went diving in Davao, around the islands of Talikud and Samal.

Our dive guide, July, is also in the picture with us, and he took good care of us there.

Diving is relatively cheap in the Philippines, and we had this whole boat to ourselves for 4 days. We did a total of 9 dives, including one night dive in which we saw lots of hermit crabs, nudibranches, and sea fans. (I hope to get some pictures from Paul and Alon to put on this blog as well).

Davao is well-known for the pearl farms and the stinky fruit durian. I tried to eat it once, and I nearly threw up! Pearls can be bought almost anywhere in the Davao area. Brook bought several pairs of pearl earrings for about $2 USD each. The quality is pretty good too.

The islands around Davao had crystal clear water with excellent visibility. The only problem was that there weren't many big fish to see in the water. However, we did see lots of soft and hard shell corals, nudibranches, and lionfish.

The accomodation was very cheap there as well, but it took some time getting used to. We stayed at Talikud island for 3 days. The room was pretty rustic, and did not have a working shower. It just had cold water and a bucket. The electricity only turned on from 6 pm to 6 am, but no worries about the alarm clock. The roosters woke us up at dawn.

Also, there are no restaurants on Talikud Island, so we had to buy our own fish, chicken, rice, from the local market and then cook it ourselves. Alon and Brook volunteered to make the food. Mmm good!

We owe our thanks to Paul, Alon, and Doug for arranging the diving and accomodation, sweetening up the staff, and getting some free T-Shirts!

See the pictures below: Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 04, 2007

ShenZhen Business Trip

This is my first trip to China, and I was actually surprised that Shen Zhen is so clean and modern. I'll be honest, though, there isn't much to do here but eat, get a massage, and go shopping. But be careful!

Not everything here is as it seems. I was shopping for a memory card for my mobile phone at the cheap markets, but the sticker on the label was fake. The card said 4 GB, but after I put it inside my phone, it was only 120 MB! I didn't buy it, but just checked it out to make sure.

They also sell a lot of fake purses, wallets, etc, but I wouldn't buy them either. They look pretty fake if you ask me.

Enjoy the pictures. Notice how haizy the sky is everyday. That's from the air pollution from the factories.,%20China/ Posted by Picasa