Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Business Trip to San Diego

What can I say, but wow! San Diego is really beautiful. There are so many pretty beaches to visit and the houses are beautiful as well. It just amazes me how people can go into this frigid water in April! It must be like 15 degrees! Brrr cold! I went in the water once and my ankles were starting to get numb! I think I will have to bring my wet suit next time!

You can see there are a lot of beaches here from Solana, to Del Mar, to La Jolla Shores, La Jolla Cove, and then there is Mission Beach. I thought Mission Beach was quite nice. I also heard that Ocean Beach is nice too. I only spent a little time there, but did not get a chance to look around.

The city of San Diego is nice too, but I didn't really spend much time there. I don't really know anyone there, so I didn't know where to go. From what I hear, the Gas Lamp district is the place to be.

Enjoy the pics.


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Friday, April 04, 2008

Trip to Puerto Galera, Philippines

Four of us went on a trip to Puerto Galera, Philippines for some diving, partying, and just chilling during the Philippines summer which occurs in April and May. John Jay, David, and myself are pictured, but Dan is missing from the photos (he was probably sleeping). The weather was great while we were there with an average of about 25 - 30 degrees. The water temperature was around 28 degrees as well. It was very comfortable.

I wasn't feeling so motivated this trip, so I only got in 3 dives, so dragging all my equipment around with me was not so much fun. It was only $5 per day to rent, so not much of an advantage to bring equipment unless going to stay there for a long time.

You can see a link to the pictures below.


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