Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Taiwan Road Trip

We just bought a second-hand car from my brother-in-law and we decided to take a short road trip from Taipei through the world's largest tunnel of 12.9 KM. The tunnel, known as the Snow Mountain Tunnel, took over 10 years to construct and several people lost their lives in the construction project.

After we went through the tunnel, we stopped in Yi Lan and then through Hua Lien. The drive to Hua Lien overlooked sheer cliff drops of 1000 meters, that was quite nerve-wrecking to drive at night.

So, we decided to drive around the island rather than going back the same way. This took us to the beautiful beach in Tai Dong, then through Ping Dong, Gao Shiung, Tai Nan and finally back home. It took us three days to get around the island and it was quite a long journey. See the pictures below. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Bangalore Business Trip

This is such a memorable picture of my commute to the office. This is only a 10 KM commute, but it takes 2 hours during normal business hours. Local Bangalore engineers must take this drive every day. Please see the other pictures as well, as they are quite interesting too. Posted by Picasa