Saturday, July 16, 2005

Paragliding in Wan Li

Look at me! I'm flying!! This was such a thrill! My friend has been paragliding for about 10 years, and he invited me to go! I had always wanted to try this, but I heard that there are a lot of crazy tandem jumpers in Taiwan and a lot of people get hurt. But my friend knew this guy that I jumped with and he didn't do anything crazy. We just floated above the mountains and the ocean and he even let me control a little bit.

I would really like to do this more often, but this is an expensive sport. And in Taiwan, it's even MORE expensive. My friend told me that the class in Taiwan is about $300 US, but they don't teach you much about safety. The glider costs about $2,500 and must be replaced every 3-4 years! Plus the safety parachute and other equipment costs money too. So, I was able to fly for 10 minutes plus insurance for the cost of $30.

If you ever get a chance, I would recommend paragliding! It is definitely a rewarding experience. Click the link below to see the pictures.

