Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Our Engagement Photos

In Taiwan (and other Chinese countries as well) before the engaged couple gets married, they usually take professional pictures wearing several different outfits in the studio and outside. These pictures are beautiful...

See the link below:

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Brook and Todd in Ingge

This is a great place to go if you want to explore the beautiful pottery in Taiwan. And there are dozens of places you can go to learn how to make a wheelthrown pot.

You basically pay for the clay, and you get a short instruction how to make a pot on the wheel. When you're finished (if successful) you then decorate the pot. The staff then adds glaze to your pot, fires it, and then they ship the pot to your home.

It's great! Except I forgot my skills in making a pot as you can see from the link below: